Full Mouth Reconstruction in Denver & Lakewood, CO

Cosmetic Dentist Serving Lakewood, Denver, Golden & Nearby Colorado

When numerous dental problems come together at once and leave a patient facing a series of difficult choices regarding treatment, simple cosmetic dentistry isn’t enough to completely fix these issues. In these circumstances, Denver dentist Dr. Scott Greenhalgh often discusses the prospect of a full mouth reconstruction with patients.

A full mouth reconstruction is not one procedure. Instead, Dr. Greenhalgh will use his decades of experience, flexibility and comprehensive approach to dentistry to provide you with a number of different procedures. At the end of these procedures, you’ll end up with the attractive, healthy teeth and gums you desire and deserve.

If you want to speak with our dentist about your prospects for a full mouth reconstruction, please call Scott Greenhalgh, DDS at 303-988-9060 to set up an appointment. Our office is in Lakewood, Colorado, and we are pleased to welcome patients throughout the Denver area.

Who needs full-mouth reconstruction?

There isn’t a single threshold denoting a full-mouth reconstruction. This isn’t a “set” procedure. Dr. Greenhalgh applies the term when a patient’s situation that has progressed far past just a tooth or two needing attention, or when the gums have passed gingivitis into full-on gum disease.

These are some possible issues that lead to full-mouth reconstruction:

  • Multiple teeth that have been lost due to extensive decay or trauma
  • Multiple teeth that have been injured or fractured
  • Teeth that have been worn down from long-term grinding or acid reflux
  • Gum disease is threatening the health of the teeth and the jaw

What Issues Can a Full Mouth Reconstruction Address?

When you come in to speak with Dr. Greenhalgh, he will evaluate your dental condition to determine if you are a sound candidate for a full mouth reconstruction. This series of procedures is used to treat patients who are dealing with a number of different dental problems, including:

Every patient has unique needs, and we take that into account.

Patient Testimonial

"Absolutely recommended. I chose Dr. Greenhalgh after searching the web for local dentist information and reviews. I cannot say enough great things about Dr. Greenhalgh and his entire staff. They are so welcoming and friendly that I immediately felt comfortable. Dr. Greenhalgh repaired chips on my front teeth with bonding and I could not be happier with his work. My experience is that he gives great attention to detail and patient satisfaction. I’m so happy to have found him and his wonderful staff." - K.T.

Click Here To Read More Reviews!

What Procedures Are Included In a Full Smile Reconstruction?

Some procedures that are commonly part of a full smile reconstruction include:

Patients frequently think their only options when they have such significant dental problems are dentures or multiple dental implants. While these are exceptionally useful tools, it’s almost always preferable to choose a solution that relies on your existing teeth instead of replacing them.

How long does full-mouth reconstruction take?

The timeframe involved with your full-mouth reconstruction with Dr. Greenhalgh and our team is completely dependent upon the individual’s situation. The possible components that require the most time are dental implants, which require about four to six months to fully anchor. If you need orthodontic movement to address TMJ, that would take at least one year.

It’s a good baseline to expect one full year to achieve a beautiful new smile through full-mouth reconstruction with Dr. Greenhalgh.

That may seem like a long time but consider how long it took for your oral health to basically fail. That probably took a couple decades of poor hygiene. Also, consider the rest of your life and how a beautiful, healthy smile will benefit you moving forward. Your patience will be rewarded with your new smile.

What is recovery like from the procedures in full-mouth reconstruction?

Due to the wide assortment of procedures that can be included in full-mouth reconstruction, it’s impossible to say what your individual recovery will entail. Implants usually involve a three-step process with some gum recovery for a few days. Cosmetic treatments such as porcelain veneers don’t require any recovery. Root canals have some soreness, but no real recovery. Rest assured that Dr. Greenhalgh and our team will walk you through your recoveries, just like your procedures.

Is full-mouth reconstruction painful?

At Dr. Greenhalgh’s practice, we strive to make every procedure as comfortable as possible. Modern anesthesia and techniques make most procedures very comfortable. There may be some pain during recovery, but we help you manage that. And if you’re apprehensive about any treatments, we offer sedation to help you overcome those fears.

What’s the difference between full-mouth reconstruction and a smile makeover?

The difference is the need for the procedures and the goals. Smile makeovers are elective procedures where the goal is to aesthetically improve the smile through the use of porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, and the like. The treatments Dr. Greenhalgh includes in a smile makeover are strictly cosmetic with the aim of improving the appearance of your smile

Full-mouth reconstruction is necessary to basically save the patient’s teeth and overall oral health. Full-mouth reconstruction is a much more involved process that aims to stem declining oral health to head off tooth loss and gum disease.

How long will the results of my full-mouth reconstruction last?

For the most part, these are permanent changes. Dental implants will last the remainder of the patient’s life in most cases. Gum contouring creates a permanent new gumline. Crowns over damaged teeth can last decades. Correcting the chronic jaw and facial pain of TMJ is a correction that should endure with adjustments made to the patient’s bite and alignment. If porcelain veneers, dental bonding, and teeth whitening are used, they all have a lifespan (approximately 20 years for veneers, 8-10 years for bonding, 1 year for whitening).

The changes Dr. Greenhalgh makes to your smile through our full-mouth reconstruction are meant to endure.

How Do I Know if Full Mouth Reconstruction is Right for Me?

There are a few telltale signs that you may benefit from full mouth reconstruction. The purpose of this treatment is to restore your chewing function and tooth stability and attempt to save natural teeth that have been badly damaged. Full mouth reconstruction may be ideal for you if you are missing one or more teeth, or have teeth that are injured, cracked, chipped, decayed, or badly worn down. You may need full mouth reconstruction for issues that are causing chronic jaw pain or fatigue. Every dental situation is unique. The best way to truly know how you can look and feel your best and enjoy long-term oral health is to consult with a dentist who has extensive training and experience helping people like yourself. 

I Can’t Sit Long in a Dentist’s Chair. Am I Still a Candidate?

Yes! We understand that undergoing full mouth reconstruction can be a time-consuming process. Many people choose to combine multiple procedures into one appointment when possible. However, more treatment means more time in the dentist's chair. If you have anxiety or already find it difficult to sit still for a dental appointment, the thought of full mouth reconstruction may feel daunting. Your oral health is the most important thing to us, so we will do everything that we can to accommodate your comfort and peace of mind. The use of an appropriate form of dental sedation can help you remain completely comfortable during your necessary restorative procedures. In addition to calming your nervous system, sedation dentistry techniques can also enhance the effects of the local anesthetic used to numb your mouth. Under sedation, your brain processes time differently so, when you regain full alertness, you may feel as though you were only in the chair for a few minutes.

Will My New Smile Look Natural After Full Mouth Reconstruction?

Dr. Greenhalgh has been in private practice since 1991. In his decades-long career, he has mastered several dental techniques and the use of dental materials that recreate beautiful smiles. Your dental restorations will be designed with extraordinary care and precision. The materials that are recommended will match your complexion and overall aesthetic to perfectly complement your face. Having full mouth reconstruction can give you back pain-free, functional teeth as well as a gorgeous, natural-looking smile.

How Our Denver Dentist Can Help

Because every patient has unique needs, every full mouth reconstruction is unique. The procedures you will receive during your restoration will be determined by your specific needs.

At our office, we believe you should have the opportunity to “try on” your full mouth reconstruction before you it’s made permanent. We’ll give you orthotics and other tools that will simulate your new bite. And we’ll also use advanced computer technology to provide you with a preview of your new smile.

Call Dr. Greenhalgh For A Full Mouth Restoration In Denver!

If you’ve been told that you should get dentures or multiple dental implants, come to our Denver dentist for a second opinion before undergoing those procedures. We’ll evaluate your conditions and tell you if a full smile reconstruction is right for you.

Patients in Denver, Colorado, who are considering a full mouth reconstruction to address their dental problems should speak with our dentist immediately. Please contact Scott Greenhalgh, DDS in Lakewood today by calling 303-988-9060. Or, you can fill out the appointment request form on this page or our contact page. Our practice looks forward to serving you!