Denver Cosmetic Dentistry Blog

Cosmetic Dentist Serving Lakewood, Denver, Golden & Nearby Colorado

July 30, 2022
Going to the dentist can be a daunting experience, even more so when you’re a dad. However, you must take your children for regular dental checkups to ensure their oral health is up to par. You'll learn everything you need to know about taking your kids to the dentist, from what to expect during... Read More
Category: Dental Health
July 15, 2022
Pregnant women want to protect their unborn children in any way they can. Since you have a baby to take care of, you are constantly browsing the internet for tips on staying healthy and strong. Dental anxiety is common among pregnant women. Previous negative dental experiences are associated with... Read More
Category: Dental Health
June 30, 2022
A common reason most patients visit Dr. Scott Greenhalgh’s office is to address issues with troubling dental cavities. While there are different forms of dental fillings, porcelain fillings come highly recommended for varying reasons. Besides being an inexpensive treatment option, there are other... Read More
June 15, 2022
You might be wondering whether the pain in your jaw is a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder or is it simply a sign that your jaw is tired from being overused. Knowing the reasons behind your jaw pain can help alleviate the pain you might be feeling. For instance, if your jaw is tired, you can... Read More
Category: TMJ
May 15, 2022
Getting that perfect smile seems like everyone’s dream. Often, people find themselves choosing between teeth bonding vs. porcelain veneers. This is partly because of their shine, appearance, maintenance, and other factors. Choosing between these two options seems like a great idea. However, it’s... Read More
April 19, 2022
If you deal with problems such as chronic bad breath or swollen, bleeding gums, you may have periodontal disease. This infection, sometimes referred to as “gum disease,” is a common infection that can significantly affect your oral health and wellness. With the help of the team at Dr. Scott... Read More
Category: Dental Health
March 04, 2022
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that leads to a variety of problems because it makes it nearly impossible to get a good night of sleep. It’s important to get sleep apnea diagnosed and treated, if you think you have it. The National Sleep Foundation recognizes March 13-19, 2022, as Sleep Awareness... Read More
Category: Dental Health
February 10, 2022
Cosmetic dentistry encompasses any dental work that is done to improve the appearance of your teeth, gums, and entire smile. Although we talk about how these procedures are cosmetic in nature, there is usually overlap - the cosmetic procedures often have other benefits as well. Dr. Scott Greenhalgh... Read More
January 12, 2022
It’s normal to experience uncomfortable dental symptoms from time to time, even if you take great care of your teeth and gums. At the practice of Dr. Scott Greenhalgh, we are here to help you find the treatment options that will restore optimal dental health. We hope you’ll contact us with any... Read More
Category: Dental Health
December 17, 2021
Holiday treats, sweets, and cookies abound this time of year! Is it possible to enjoy these holiday delicacies while preventing cavities? We think so. Here are a few tips: Include treats as part of a meal. It may sound strange, but saliva production increases while you are eating a big meal, and... Read More
Category: Dental Health